Be part of the
I understand that everyone has a lot of commitments in their lives and the fact that you have even stopped by and considered supporting me is something I really appreciate!
I never really wanted to be on Pateron or similar sites, as I really didn’t want to ask others for money. But I have been asked countless times times how can they help support my travel, videos and CRPS etc, I would usually say just shot at the BOXA Lifestyle store or one of my partner/sponsors, but that wasn’t enough so finally after alot of hesitiation I decided to create the BOXA Support Crew for those indviduals that wish to support me in this way. (No pressure)
A little does go a long way and I can’t begin to thank you for your support. This will enable me to produce better and higher quality content.
You can also support by simply purchasing from
Boxa Support Crew Options:

Camper Crew
Per month
- Early Access To Videos / Episodes
- Behind-the-scenes content
- Fan requests
- BOXA Lifestyle Sticker.
Support Crew – only updates
% off – Boxa Lifestyle
- Access to other exclusive discounts

Glamper Crew
Per month
- Early Access To Videos / Episodes
- Behind-the-scenes content
- Fan requests
- BOXA Lifestyle Sticker.
- Support Crew – only updates
- % off – Boxa Lifestyle
- Access to other exclusive discounts

Vanlife Crew
Per month
- Early Access To Videos / Episodes
- Behind-the-scenes content
- Fan requests
- BOXA Lifestyle Sticker.
- Support Crew – only updates
- % off – Boxa Lifestyle
- Access to other exclusive discounts

T-Shirt Crew
Per month
- Free BOXA Lifestyle T-Shirt
- Early Access To Videos / Episodes
- Behind-the-scenes content
- Fan requests
- BOXA Lifestyle Sticker.
Support Crew – only updates
% off – Boxa Lifestyle
- Access to other exclusive discounts
Donation Crew
If you dont want to subscribe to a monthly payment a one off Donation is also greatfully appreciated.
Join the other
Long time supporters BONUS:
First I would like to really thank any long time supporters. And to help give back to those helping to support my adventures, I will be giving long term supports extra bonues as time goes by, from FREE Merch, video calls and other bonuses that come up from time to time. My Long term supperters will be the first pick!